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Free program risala roohi sharif pdf

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Suddenly, the hearts of the dervishes is effected by a resounding ` HU ‘. The Abyat of Sultan Bahu (r.a) is being recited. Visualize dervishes sitting around a fire, the light of which giving an occasional glimpse of those sitting around it. The joy and ecstasy is such that even a casual reading produces spiritual attraction. Whosoever listens or studies his works is effected and transported into higher realms of spiritual truths.

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To class the poetry of Hazrat Sultan Bahu(r.a) within the boundary of normal poetry is a great error for it sinks into the depths of the heart and soul. His Poems contain extreme impressions of spiritual reality and facts of life rooted in human existence.

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For centuries now, the people of the Indo Pak sub continent have been captivated by his poems and books on Spiritual Knowledge. He is the leader amongst Punjabi Sufi Poets. The poems of Hazrat Sultan Bahu (r.a) are coloured by the consciousness of Faqr and mystical leanings. He is known to be the author of over 140 books in Persian and Arabic dealing with a variety of religious and mystic subjects. This is why original text & transliteration has been included in this compilation, so that reader could get maximum benefit & barakah.Hazrat Sultan Bahu (r.a) is acknowledged as one of the most prominent Sufi poets of the Indo Pak subcontinent. Also, the ‘Risala’ is the only of his books, which has been often prescribed as Wazeefa, by the saints of the order. Risala Roohi Shareef, is one of his most concise & representative books. All of his books are in Persian except the collection of his poetry, which is, in the form of Punjabi couplets. The 17th century saint, Hazrat Sultan Bahu (r.a) authored over 140 books, of which around 40 are still available. The following is a list of the important works of Sultan Bahu(r.a) that still exist today, and can be traced back to him with credibility. Hazrat Faqeer Altaf Hussain Sarwari Qadri (ra) has translated the book and thereafter has also provided absolutely splendid and enriching explanation of the relevant topics. This is an invaluable treasure for saints and devotees from all the spiritual orders and from all the religions. Through this book he can directly experience and assimilate spiritual energy from Hazrat Sultan bahu (ra). This blessed book can prove to be a very handy tool for an aspiring devotee who has, despite his best efforts, failed to alight the steps of spirituality. In this book Hazrat Sultan Bahu (ra) has revealed his spiritual status. All initial stages of the birth of the universe are well mentioned in this blessed book. This small book has explanations regarding the secrets of the souls of Sultan-ul-Fuqra, which had till now remained a strongly guarded divine secret. Prior to this book no effort has ever been made to write a book of this stature.

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This is a very famous and the most celebrated handy book.

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